I wish for two new functions, if possible! :-)

• Sep 19, 2016 - 12:54

I am really not sure - where to post my questions, but try here. :-)

I use Musescore a lot, every day actually, and I miss two functions in the ms.com.
Forgive me for the lenght of this.. (English is not my language.)

I really want the oppurtunity to make my scores unavailable for others to download. (As mscz or pdf..)
But that is no option right now, other than to make the whole score private.
That way, no one can see it.

But I really want that people can SE my scores, and HEAR my preferred soundfont, mp3 or wav.file, and even se my YouTube-videos, without them beeing able to download the files for keeping.

I can't see the use of others downloading pieces that I own. It is to easy now, to download scores and share files without following any rules. It is quite easy to steal someone elses material. If they wants to learn something from my way of writing music, they should be able to watch and learn from the screen they are using.

Just before this weekend - I came across a user here in our com - that shared files which he had actually found at another composers website!!! He had written the scores into mscz - and wrote that his only goal was to "share" this other ones music, and "make people aware of how great it was"!
And he also had written in a link, where to BUY - the scores. (Also - absolutely the right intentiones)
BUT as long as he shared his written mscz-scores at his profile, he is actually making it possible for others to download, without bying the composers scores.
He didn`t see that everyone could just download his scores,
rather than buy them in the link he put out.

AndI have come across several users that make arrangements over melodies - and songs - which they have never got the rights to. And never should have the rights to. Cause theire work is not good enough.
And again, that shows that it is to easy to share.
Even though noone gets paid for this (hopefully..) - It is still not OK to make arrangements over other musiccians scores and melodies, and share like we do. I believe we are not even allowed to to it.
And right now there are very much sharing of non original music, going on.

I think I want us to have an oppurtunity to just share our ideas,
to watch and hear the scores, without beeing able to share and receiving stolen goods.
If we ourselves, have to make an active choise, to make our scores available to others,
we will be responsible for our own actions when we share it with others.
This way - we can still share without crossing boundaries for copyrights. (And everyone has to learn and know the rules for sharing others work!)
It could even be a question popping up, to answer "Is this really your material?" or "Do you have the rights to share this music?"
I think..

I also would like to have the possibility to chose early whether I would like to watch others original music, or their (non-original) arrangements. Is there a way to mark our scores in a way, so we easily could find the original music?
Of course - it everyone wrote it in their head-lines, it would be great, but people seldom do.

It would have been great if I had the possibillity to put my scores into maps. Then I could save them as "original work", and "arrangements", "arrangements for choirs", and other choises.
Even to have the opportunity to chose "next page" both in the top and the bottom of my profile, would help and make my day easier. :-)
Now all my scores lies in order after timeline, when I uploaded them. And I have no possibility to skip my privat scores - to find my public ones that I want to work with.
Some sort of way to sort my scores would be great! :-)

Thank you for Musescore.com! I learned about this early this spring, and the opportunity it is to show people my work, has given me so much!
Thanks to friends in here, I got the courage to share my work with others. And even made a CD this summer, with professional musiccians, because I got so much kind words and encouragement here, in the Ms.com! So THANK you, very much!!
Greetings from Marianne E.
Big fan of MuseScore! :-)



Regarding request 1: that is impossible. If people can see it on their digital device, they can copy it. That is a reality of the digital revolution.

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