Multiple score views

• Sep 13, 2011 - 17:50

When you are editing large or long scores it is sometimes very handy to be able to have two views of the same score open at once.

eg if you are working on a score for full orchestra to be able to have the woodwind parts visible while you are working on strings or vice versa.

I've run into needing this just lately whilst working on a responsorial psalm score - I need to be able to see part of the score I have already harmonised and adapt that harmonisation on a different page, which currently means constantly navigating backwards and forwards with the navigation pane. I can't use copy and paste because the measure time signatures are different.

I hoped to be able to get a workaround by opening two copies of the same score but currently MuseScore won't allow this.



In reply to by ChurchOrganist

Geez, I've used the muliple views before when copying and pasting between scores, but even though the command to open the second view starts off showing me two views of the current score, it never occured to me I could take advantage of this feature to have two views of the same score going as a way of working with different sections at once. Thanks, you just saved me a bunch of aggravation on a project I'm about to start today!

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