• Sep 22, 2016 - 19:16

When I try to delete unused bars from the first system the entire second system is deleted instead and not the selected part of the first system.


It's hard to understand exactly what you mean - attaching the actual score you are having problems with and precise steps to reproduce the problem would help. But my guess is, you are misunderstanding what is happening. Probably the measures you selected on the first system *are* being deleted, so the measure son the second system are simply moving up to the first system to take their place. This might not be obvious if the content of the measures is the same - are they empty, perhaps?

I also cannot visualize your situation clearly ... a screen-shot or a mcsz file would help immensely ... but do remember that MuseScore considers “a measure” to be a unit of song time.   If you delete a measure, AFAIK the entire song becomes that much shorter.

If you need to move things around in time, you can probably get the job done with cut-and-paste.

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