Inserting a clef

• Sep 18, 2011 - 03:04

I want to change clef from treble to alto at the beginning of the 2nd couplet of La Badinage by Marin Marais. However, the new clef wants to insert _before_ the barline, not after where I want it at the beginning of the pickup bar for the 2nd couplet. As the attached file shows I can't get it in the right place. (Sorry about the accidental previous posting).

I'm using Windows 7 & MuseScore 1.1.

How do I do it? Thanks.

Attachment Size
Le Badinage from facsimilie.mscz 3.19 KB


Could you be more specific about where you mean? Are you saying you want the clef in the middle of bar the currently has the repeat aign, but just after the repeat sign? I don't know if there is a way to do that directly, but you could always take the clef you are currently getting, double click it, and nudge it to the right with the cursor keys (it will seem to disappear at some point, but will reappear when you hit Esc).

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

That is exactly what I want to do. I tried your suggestion and it kind of worked; however it produced a messy result and any changes sent the clef right back to where I did not want it, or sent it floating to the right of the stave. As I was near the end of a line I finally made that clef invisible, made a line break, and the next line came with the new clef at the beginning. I'm not sure what I will do with the next clef change but at least I have some options. Thanks for your help.

In reply to by sphinxxnz

Well, normally, the default placement of clef changes is correct. It,s omly the special case of a clef change right before a repeat sign where you might want to move it to the "wrong" side, it seems to me. So this shouldn't come up that often.

There are other workarounds that might suit you better, though. You could let it place the clef on the left of the bar, hide it, then add more space before the first note after the bar (right click, note properties, additional leading space), and then insert a clef into that space using the symbols palette (Z).

I am sure others have run into this situation and have ideas, and wouldn't be surprised if there aren't new facilities in 2.0 to help with this, as there are a lot of new features relating to piano music that were added in support of the Goldberg project (producing a new free score for Bach's Goldberg variations).

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