Selecting a passage's noteheads (an observation)

• Oct 5, 2016 - 17:44

Before my point I'd like to thank those who participate with my posts and all the posts on here.

I had been selecting note heads by pressing multiple times (CTRL+Left Click) for certain passages to change the user-velocity levels in bulk for particular passages through the Inspector. I've learned that this can be done also by adding a dynamic mark at the beginning of the passage, setting its Dynamic Range to Staff, and then edit its velocity value, then add another dynamic mark at the end of the passage to return to the previous velocity level. This doesn't work for multiple voices: it will apply to all of them. Also, under certain circumstances I then would make invisible these dynamic marks.

I just learned and felt like posting that instead of these two options, you can do a range selection (Shift select) of the passage (which selects the notes and stems so you can't change the velocity yet, which is at first why I didn't change velocities this way), but then if you right click on a notehead of the passage and "Select->All Similar Elements in Range Selection" to make the selection only of note-heads of that passage, you can alter velocity in bulk selection through the Inspector this way. I had been doing this the long way with the Ctrl+Clicking each note head! If there are multiple voices and you want to change only one particular voice, in the Selection Filter before right clicking or selecting you can untick whichever voice you don't want altered.
Rock on, er, Note on.


Even less clicks are required by using the inspector to filter out.

First make your range selection with the appropriate filter options for voice to include.
Then press the Notes button at the bottom of the inspector to have the selection reduce to the noteheads.

And if you don't want to use the selection filter, make a range selection, right click Selection > More and pick "In selection" "same staff" "same voice"

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

Nice one.
Also it seems you have to be specific in right-clicking the selection: you can right-click a rest after the range selection and follow the above steps. This will result in all the range selection rests being selected, which is pretty nifty if you want to make particular rests invisible, small, or change their color.

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