Comments on the new book page.

• Sep 26, 2011 - 17:52

I like it a lot.

For clarity, I suggest a couple of changes.

1. Entry mode/Edit mode: For consistency, I would remove the word "note" from "entry mode" or, I would add "note" to the phrase "Edit mode".
I also suggest that these two should be grouped together.

2. I like the additional bracketed information with "Volta". I would add the word "Akkolade" in brackets in the appropriate place.



I reverted back your change on the handbook index. As you may have seen, there is this special way of making this handbook index, using square brackets. If you use square brackets around some words, the site will look for the handbook page that has these exact same words. If it can't find them, the words turn red and the link is not working anymore.

So, in case you change something to the links, you also need to change the title of the pages. Problem however is that all the links that use the square brackets + the words will break then. At one side you could consider this a flaw, but there are arguments in favor of it as well.

Anyhow, to come back to your edit of the handbook page. Let's keep it like it is for now. Soon we will start writing to a new handbook for MuseScore 2.0 since many things have changed. We keep the current handbook like it is and make a start in a new handbook. How does this sound?

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