Still do not understand why rest entry changed to zero?

• Oct 2, 2011 - 03:41

I have been using musescore for 2 years (starting with release 0.9.5). I thoroughly enjoy working with it and appreciate all of the effort the team puts into it.
However, I still do not understand why you changed the default shortcut for entering a rest to zero (and I'm sure I'm not alone). I do a lot of my initial entry directly from the keyboard because I find it quicker and easier - that is until you changed entering a rest from space to zero. I was never able to get accustomed to that.
Thank you for allowing me to change the shortcuts in preferences!

The real purpose of this note is to say that you really should consider changing the default "rest entry" shortcut back to space. I mean, numbers 1-9 don't enter anything on the score, zero shouldn't either. It's counter-intuitive.
Using a spacebar to enter an empty spot in a phrase makes sense! It's a space!

I believe that these types of things are what either give new users a warm fuzzy or send them away shaking their heads.


In reply to by xavierjazz

but I still don't think it's very intuitive.
I actually just ran across your response to "Space bar for play/pause" (thread 7425) and agree with it wholeheartedly:

> Submitted by Xavierjazz on Fri, 10/22/2010 - 01:30.
> There will always be other programs that use different conventions. I don't think Musescore should select a system just > because other do it that way.
> I still like the idea of having the space bar have 2 different uses, depending on mode:
> Start/stop during play mode.
> Rest in edit mode.


In reply to by tdub

Space for playback is extremely intuitive if you've ever used any other audio program. Space for playback is virtually universal. And there are a *lot* more people who have used other audio programs than there are people who have used versions of MuseScore prior to 1.0.

But FWIW, "0" for rest does nothing for me, either. It makes sense logically - "0" is as much an absence of sound as Space is - but it's just too far removed physically from the keys for the notes. At this point, I think it would be too confusing to too many people to change the default, but I personally use the semicolon, which is better positioned on my keyboard and also seems reasonably intuitive.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

and I'm not disagreeing that space for playback isn't necessarily intuitive - more that zero for rest isn't (given how the other numbers function).
I'm probably just an oddball, when I'm in note entry mode and typing, rest and space equate to the same thing in my head.

there's got to be another horse I can beat to death somewhere...

No one has mentioned that you can edit your shortcuts to put the rest back to the Space Bar if you like (after you change the shortcut for Playback).

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