How can you "fade a note into an other"?

• Oct 11, 2011 - 08:47

In Klezmer music you often have a "whining" clarinet that changes tones in a "bleeding into the other" or "fading into the other" way. How can I write this in musescore? When I try the slur bow it still are two distinct notes when you play it. Any idea?


Is the player sliding from one note to the next?

In which case you would use the glissando sign.

Musescore currently doesn't playback these however.

Thanx for the fast reply. I reread it on Wikipedia and yes, it seems to be the glissando sign. A shame that it doesn't work in musescore yet. I hope they solve this problem anytime soon, as there are so many things you can do with this sliding sound. For instance wind sound, ghost sound, crying sound and so on... And the real Klezmer music often uses it too.

In reply to by Harry Potter

Do keep in my mind that MuseScore is first and foremost a *notation* program that happens to provide playback as a side benefit. From that perspective, it already *does* work in MuseScore - you can create the notation just fine. Actually, that's not entirely true - there is a bug where weird the notation gets messed up if you gliss from the last note of one system to the first of the next. Fixing problems like this that affect notation get much higher priority over improving playback facilities. Not that playback isn't nice, too, but even within the realm of playback, fixing bugs takes precedence over implementing new features (which gliss playback would be). All of which is to say, while i don't doubt that they will eventually implement playback of glissando (along with trills and other ornaments that do not yet play back), I wouldn't expect it any time too soon.

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