Changing time signature of score with tuplets

• Nov 8, 2011 - 18:52

When you try to change the time signature of a score with tuplets, you may see a dialogue box: "cannot rewrite measures: tuplet would cross measure". It will then not doing anything.

However, I wonder if these tuplets can be worked around (using ties?).


Currently crashes if you change first bar to 3/4, though I'm not sure if tuplets are the reason.

Using MuseScore 2.0 Nightly Build (5259) - Mac 10.6.8.

If you do this (currently), the time signature displays 3/4 in the first bar.

It should probably not do anything?

Using MuseScore 2.0 Nightly Build (5559) - Mac 10.7.3.

It's my experience that changing the time signature when notes have already been entered isn't a good idea anyway. Do you have an example of a real-world scenario or were you just trouble-shooting? If you could have, say, 6 quavers in 6/8 time convert to two groups of triplets if you change it to 2/4 and vice versa then that would be cool, I suppose.

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