Crescendos and Decrescendos move around in the piece, and I cannot get rid of them

• Oct 10, 2016 - 15:37

This happens randomly (ex. when adding a page to the score or adding/deleting notes), but when doing the latter, crescendo and decrescendo markings move around on the page without my control. Also, they cannot be clicked, so I can't delete them. In the attached file, this is seen completely in measures 75-76 and in every brass part (except French Horn 1) in 86. Is there anything I can do to fix this? Thanks!

Attachment Size
Blue Team III.mscz 42.87 KB


Some of your crescendos are anchored to places remote from where they appear on the score. If you drag a crescendo too far from its anchored point it can end up looking bad. Right-click on a crescendo (anyone you can get your hands on) and Select -> All Similar Elements and then [Ctrl]r and this will reset them to their original places. Now get rid of the ones that are in the wrong places and put new ones in the correct places (i.e. don't just drag the bad ones back to where they look good).

regarding bars 75, 76 etc. you appear to have both a crescendo and a descrescendo anchored to the same bars.

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