Musescore Playing doubts

• Oct 17, 2016 - 18:09

Dear Sirs
I am trying to musescore play the music correctly, that with ritornellos and saltos.A music has 45 bars, the player goes to the bar 38 and returns touching up from the bar ritornello 30 and has been playing to bar 36 and jumps to the second return section, playing bar 39 and 40. At bar 41 has the command D.S. al Coda, then the player back to the bar 2 where the DS command is in the bar 2. In bar 37 has a command To Coda and in the bar 42 has a Coda; so that the player touch the bar 2 to bar 36 and the To Coda command go to the bar 42 to finish the song, but the player when it comes to bar 37 it jumps to 40 and not 42 as it should be.
Unfortunately I did not find the solution, so I'm asking for help
I am sending the music to your analysis
Best regards
Roberto Antonio Dal Medico


I'm not really sure what you are trying to do here - you might have better luck explaining in your native language. but I can see a few things wrong with your score that would confuse any musician or computer trying to read it:

- There is a segno and a DS in the same measure (measure 2). This makes no sense; the DS says to go back to the segno, which is in the same place. A literal reading of this would have the player start at the beginning, play measures one and two, then play measure two again, and then stop in confusion because it isn't clear what to do next.

- The "To Coda" happens within the first ending in measure 37, but the first ending would never be hit during the DS - second endings only are taken on a DS.

- There is a second DS in measure 41, but you probably really wanted it in measure 40 unless you literally want a measure of silence before the DS.

I suspect the DS in measure 2 is a mistake, and that you should move the To Coda from the first volta to the second, and move the DS al Coda from measure 41 to 40. Also probably remove measure 41 and replace it with a horizontal frame.

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