Should these files play in musescore songbook

• Oct 22, 2016 - 22:19


I'm new to MuseScore.

I just downloaded from onto my android phone, unzipped, then downloaded the MuseScore app from Google Play Store thinking that would open the files. However it told me on trying to load one of the unzipped files: "Sorry, this app cannot import scores... But MuseScore Songbook can!".

After purchasing that app I find it says "Error Cannot load score!" when I try to open a file.

The thread at is a bit old so I suspect perhaps the files are in a now unsupported format.

Can anyone offer any advice?



These files are really old. You could force Musescore on desktop to open them and then save them to MSCZ again. THe resulting file should be openable in MuseScore then.

These files had been created with MuseScore 0.95, you'd need to open them in MuseScore 1.x (just as the error message tells when trying to open in 2.0) and save them, then open in 2.0 and save again. Or open them in 2.0 and use the 'ignore' button that comes up to force it to load, but I'm not sure whether that is save enough.

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