Removing second voice may produce inconsistent measure.

• Nov 27, 2011 - 11:36

Sometimes deleting the second voice may produce a measure in which the number of (visible) notes and rests does not correspond to the (nominal and actual) measure duration.

Example files are attached:
msctest3-111127.mscz: 4 measures, two voices
right-click on second voice note: context menu -> Select -> More ...
Element type: Note, same staff: yes, same voice: yes -> OK
Edit -> Cut
The result is attached as file msctest6-111127.mscz
right-click on second voice rest: context menu -> Select -> More ...
Element type: Rest, same staff: yes, same voice: yes -> OK
Edit -> Cut
The result is attached as file msctest7-111127.mscz

Nominal and actual duration of the third measure is 3/2; however the rest on beat 3 is missing and I couldn't find a way to insert it by hand. (Interestingly, Playback 'plays' the rest on beat 3.)

System info:
OpenSUSE 11.4
Qt Version 4.7.1
MuseScore: Music Score Editor; Version 1.1; Build 4611


Attachment Size
msctest3-111127.mscz 1.82 KB
msctest6-111127.mscz 1.78 KB
msctest7-111127.mscz 1.72 KB


In reply to by [DELETED] 5

That's part of a MusicXML file created by a commercial OMR program. Following your remark I checked the file and it appears (I'm not really familiar with the MusicXML syntax) that indeed the rest in voice 1 is missing already in the MusicXML source. It would be nice, if the Musescore's MusicXML input routine would repair this kind of error (by adding missing rests in the first voice).


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