Why no Drum or percussion clef?

• Nov 1, 2016 - 22:11

I wonder, all the clef's are their except the one I need : drumclef, furthermore I'm kind of a "new be" musescore so I wonder, does everybody uses only quarter rest, how about eight's rest, or sixtheeth rests? couldn't find or are they hidden somewhere? Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.


You find the drum clef in the advance workspace in the clefs palette:


Yes the rest symbol is a bit ambiguous in the actual version (will change in one of the next versions): But when you choose a note duration and click on the rest symbol (or press the shortcut "0"), you can enter any other rest too.

Btw: Another recommendation to start with MuseScore:


FYI, definitely turn-on “Advanced Mode” and keep it on.  (I’m frankly not quite sure why they even have it, or that they should keep it in 3.0.)

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