Glissando on the last note gets repeated on the next line

• Nov 18, 2016 - 20:43

Glissando on the last note gets repeated on the next line. It is not possible to delete the additional glissando without deleting the original glissando, too.

Attachment Size
glissando.JPG 29.46 KB


That would be expected behavior. A glissando is between two notes, and in case of a line break (or even a page break for that matter) it is expected to be repeated on the next line.
Just like a tie is for example.

Right. My guess is you don't want a glissando - a connection between two notes, but instead a "doit", which is a kind of like a glissando but without a specific end point. There are also falls - same thing but downward. Also scoops and plops - approaches *to* a note from an indeterminate start point. These markings are all found on the same palette as the glissandi.

Thank you for the clarification, there are many scores though using the glissando sign to indicate a fall. If I decided to use the glissando in this (wrong ) context, what do you suggest?
Putting the glissando to the previous note and move it to the desired position?

In reply to by SlyDr

My initial advice would be to notate it as a fall and not continue the "abusive" application.

You can achieve the desired effect by using a hidden grace note after. See the attachment for an example (in 2.0.3).

  1. Using the advanced palettes
  2. Select the starting note for the fall, double click on one of the grace note after symbols (doesn't matter which one as long as it's of the 'after' type)
  3. Use the arrow keys (presumably down) to adjust the pitch of the just added grace note to match the pitch of the following actual note
  4. In the Inspector (use F8 if it isn't open yet), while the grace note is still selected:
    1. Uncheck visible in the Element section
    2. Check No stem in the Chord section
    3. Uncheck Play in the Note section
  5. Select the starting note again
  6. Double click on the wave line glissando in the palette
  7. Select the newly entered glissando in the score
  8. Uncheck Show Text in the inspector. Optionally also change/uncheck the playback behavior of the gliss.
Attachment Size
141546_use_gliss_as_fall.mscz 4.06 KB

In reply to by SlyDr

I would agree the best thing to do is use the correct symbol. Chances are the score are looking at used the glissando symbol some because the other symbols weren't available in the program they used, or they didn't know how to access them. Now that better options are available, why not use them?

But for the record, if you really want to use that symbol, just use the version from the Symbols palette (press "Z" to display).

You could also add the glissando like you want by inserting a grace note after the main note, adding the glissando to the main note and then making the grace note invisible. You can adjust the angle of the glissando by moving the grace note up and down. Playback is likely to be nothing like what you want, however.


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