Hans Zimmer's masterclass

• Nov 19, 2016 - 15:18

Hi. I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this. I've been teaching myself music off and on for over two years now. I basically feel that I hit a wall and have considered giving up multiple times to free up more time to write fiction. I haven't given up yet. I'm not sure how many people here are familiar with masterclass, put they just posted a preview video for Hans Zimmer's Masterclass where he teaches film scoring.

The link is https://www.masterclass.com/classes/hans-zimmer-teaches-film-scoring?ut…

I have taken the James Patterson Masterclass and have found it to be helpful and plan to take the Hans Zimmer masterclass.

Sorry if this is posted in the wrong place, but I thought that people might find this helpful.



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