Cannot delete clef, sign and bar

• Dec 27, 2011 - 03:10

I'm not sure what has gone wrong but there is a whole lot of stuff at the end of my input that won't delete. I'm trying to transcribe "Le Badinage" by Marin Marais from facsimile. This is in rondo form; the 1st couplet is repeated after every other couplet. The 1st couplet is in the bass clef but (most) of the subsequent couplets are in the alto clef. As there is a return to the 1st couplet at the end of each other couplet a bass clef is put at the end to show a return to that clef.

When I tried this it didn't work very well so I decided to delete the bass clef, the sign and the repeat bar at the end.This would not delete no matter what I tried. I then tried to copy the OK bits to another file but they ended up in a shambolic mess which would take me hours to fix. I've tried to insert extra measures to try and permanently push the undeletable bits to the very end but the inserted measures disappear when I try to use them.

Is there any solution? So far I have spent many more hours trying to make Musescore work than I have inputting notes, and I not even trying to do anything avant-garde, just a lovely Baroque piece, Should I save up for one of the expensive commercial programs? Can they handle clefs? As I am only an occasional user of music notation software I thought Musescore was the answer but if it can't handle clefs or deletions then maybe not.


There are a numbers of issues in the end indeed.

  1. Select the frames and press Del on your keyboard.
  2. Select the measures (bars) you want to delete with a click on the first one and shift click on the last one, and use Ctrl + Del to delete them. See Measure operations
  3. Select the last measure, and press Ins to insert a measure before it. Copy the notes of the last measure in it. Delete the last measure and and add the Segno and the repeat barline
  4. Right click on the last measure -> Measure properties -> 1/2 for the actual measure duration
  5. If you want the F clef in the last measure, press Z and drag the small F clef from this dialog to the score.
  6. You might want to put everything on one page... Go to Layout -> Page settings -> change the lower margin to 15mm. Go to Style -> Edit global style -> System -> Bracket distance -> 4.5sp. Double click the title frame and resize it. It's better doing this when you entered the G clef of the harpsichord if any.

If you need more help, please attach the file without the comma in the end.

Regardless of what might have gone wrong with this particular score, to answer your more general questions, yes, MuseScore handles clefs just fine, and of course you can normally delete anything. But occasionally, glitches do happen where elemenets get into a state where it's hard to delete them.

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