Beaming In Additive Meter

• Dec 31, 2011 - 18:15

Thanks for developing this awesome software!!!!
I'm notating a piece in 9/8 rhythm, but it's subdivided 2+2+2+3. I've figured out how to create a time signature for that.
The issue is getting notes to beam correctly within that additive meter. I've tried using the beaming palette in every conceivable way, but haven't figured out to beam the following:
This is what I want to do: Q (SSE) (EE) Dotted Q
This is what MuseScore does: Q (SS) (EEE) Dotted Q
KEY: Q=quarter, E=eighth, S=sixteenth, ()=all notes beamed within parentheses
I'm using MuseScore 1.1 with Windows 7.


One of those things quicker to show than explain :)

1. Select the bar you want to beam
2. Double click the middle of beam icon. All the notes should now be beamed together.
3. Select the starting note of each beam group and double-click the start beam ikcon - your bar should now look how you want it :)


In reply to by ChurchOrganist

Nice. I have keyboard shortcuts defined (see edit->preferences->shortcuts) for both the start beam and middle of beam buttons. If you have that set up, then you can actually alter your beaming as you enter notes: if you see a beam added that you don't want on the most recent added note, hit "\", and if you don't see see one that you do want, hit "]". So that rhythm (Blue Rondo a la Turk, no?) could be entered as follows

N 4 A F A \ F ] A \ E F G

This particular tune is repetitive enough that you could probably just copy and paste that bar over and over and adjust the pitches more quickly than entering each bar directly.

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