
• Nov 25, 2016 - 17:43

How about automatic notes and chords ,

You click on a timing thingy to modify the timing. 40bpm to 280bpm and
it sections the bar into timing sections.

Then you click on an instrument.
Then you just click on a timing section , and a Note/Chord box comes up
and you click on the note or chord and it puts the thingy in the right place.

It would make , making music real simple...


I'm not really understanding what you mean by this. You can already click on your score to enter notes. No need to first divide the bar into sections - just enter the notes and rests left to right, same way it is read. But if you prefer to see the divisions first, that easy enough too - just enter rests first. Use copy and paste or the "R" command to repeat this process quickly to fill as much of your score as you like.

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