Playback of gracenotes not consistent

• Nov 25, 2016 - 21:06

Bartok's First Rhapsody for Violin and Piano has hemi-demi-semiquaver grace notes in the piano's right-hand bars 11-15. These are playing back in the most idiosyncratic way - some fast, others very slow (see attached file). Is there a fix?
I need these as I need to playback to practice with. No music minus one available and I cannot afford an accompanist that frequently...

Attachment Size
Bartok Rhapsody No 1.mscz 28.33 KB


For the reocrd, the current standard in notation is to use grace notes with slash to indicate acciaccatura (fast grace notes, played on the beat), grace notes without slash to indicate appoggiaturas (also on beat, but taking exactly half the notated rhythm). This is therefore how MuseScore implements the playback. At some point it would be nice to give more control over this so that you can have an appoggiatura play back as if it were acciaccatura, as indeed it used to be common to notate them that way and some people I guess still do. Also would be nice to be able to control the playback of the acciccatura in terms of when and how fast it is played. but again, the way we do it now is as per current notation standards, so it's really "idosyncratic" and is actually quite consistent.

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