XML tuplet numbering

• Jan 26, 2012 - 09:13

Having gone to great lengths to remove numbering of tuplets (is there a global method to prevent numbering of them in the first place?) I now find that an XML version of the score when loaded into other applications or re-opened in musescore still has the (vast majority of, strangely not all) tuplets numbered. Am I doing something wrong, is it a bug, can I remove the numbers from the XML file?


I have modified the xml file output from musescore to add the attribute
to the < tuplet > tags
but that doesn't appear to have any effect.

OK, there were a couple of questions there....

1) Rather than manually remove numbering from tuplets in MuseScore, is there a global setting to prevent them displaying in the first place?

2) I don't know Music XML but I can read and what specifications I have seen are poorly written. I assume that the display of the tuplet numbering is done through an attribute of a tag but I don't know that. Having read the specification, the only thing that looks appropriate is the "show-number" attribute of the < tuplet > tag (and, for some reason unbeknownst to me, you are outputing those tags within < notations > tags which has thrown me). There are supposedly three options for the show-number attribute but, only because they use the word "none" when describing the attribute, can I guess that "none" is an appropriate term (nowhere do they actually say that, as far as I can tell). Anyway, regardless of whether you "support" the show-number attribute or not, presumably you are au fait enough with the XML to tell me whether that is the appropriate method of dispensing with the display of tuplet numbers or not and, if that is the case, why do they still show up when I modify the output XML to include that attribute?

3) Having originally generated all my tuplets using the same approach (I'm pretty sure as I only know one way), why do some of them appear as numbered and some not when using the output XML file with other applications and on importing back into MuseScore?

In reply to by gluepack

1) Not that I am aware of ...
2) As you correctly observe, there is no MusicXML spec, only an annotated DTD. Nevertheless, using the attribute show-number with value none indeed seems the correct way to suppress the tuplet numer.
3) I am not quite sure what you mean. As MuseScore currently simply ignores the show-number attribute all tuplets should be shown with number.

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