Embed musescore into wordpress Sensei LMS

• Nov 29, 2016 - 04:42

I'm currently running a company to to develop a platform for teachers to teach music at schools. We are using wordpress Sensei LMS as the framework of our platform and now looking for a good music notation software that can embed into it.
We have asked Noteflight. They need to have LTI to integrate the app into our platform but Sensei doesn't integrate LTI. We have asked Sensei about it but they relied that they do not have plan to do this upgrade.
May I know whether it is possible or how it is possible to embed musescore in a wordpress Sensei LMS?


MuseScore doesn't run in the browser. It's a free and open source software that doesn't need a browser and can run offline. It needs to be installed on a computer.
While it's not possible to embed the creation tool in the browser, it's possible to embed a score made with this tool and hosted on musescore.com. You can find the embed code if you click on Share on the right side of a score page.

The embed will look like this


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