Someone uses my score without posting the link of my score, what should I do?

• Dec 4, 2016 - 02:55

Yesterday, I wanted to search about other TSFH Blackheart piano cover, and I found this:

A Youtube channel Called "G Piano", He used my score
"Two Steps From Hell - BlackHeart (Sky World) (Piano version)" WITHOUT putting the link of my score.
What should I do, should I tell him to add the link or just let him go?
I am not sure that should I do so, as I am NOT the person who create the song BUT the piano arrangement.


Do you own or have you licensed the copyright? If so, you can pursue him legally and will need a good lawyer.

If you don't have copyright, it is illegal for you to post your chart anywhere, and you both will most likely hear from a lawyer representing the copyright holder.

In reply to by xavierjazz

And that is the problem I am still wondering,
as the the song was created by Two Steps From Hell, is that means both Me and G Pi*** have no copyright for posting the song, Or I have copyright for this score as I make this piano arrangement?

And what kind of license should I choose if I want to make a score that based on others song?

Just saying, seems he also took a lot of other's piano scores without giving credit or showing the link about where the score obtain from.

In reply to by DigitalSoundwa…

If you had the copyright, you'd know: if you arrange some Music, and publish it, you need the orginal copyright holder's agreement. If you don't have it (in writing) and publish anyway, this is illegal, it is theft of intellectual property, plain and simple. If someone else then steals it from you and publishes it, there's not much you can do.

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