windows7- virtual store-windows bug? informational

• Feb 8, 2012 - 22:57

Some time ago I thought MUSESCORE had a bug, as each project or file opened in two quite similar tabs. When I closed one tab, both tabs closed simulataneously. I searched the forum, but could not find anything about it. Then it occured to me: maybe WINDOWS 7 had a bug. Then I found out about the VIRTUAL STORE (APPDATA being stored twice). I googled the solution, which is taking ownership of the appdata directory and disabling the virtual store. Since then: whenever I open a MUSESCORE project, only one tab shows up. Problem solved. I mention my problem and its solution just in case someone else might experience the "windows7 bug", too. I have no comment about windows versus Linux, I run both of them and have had no problems so far.
Ps: if you turn the feature off, do not delete the APPDATA directory, as I did. You will have to re-configure some programs, which means extra work. One last comment: some years ago I purchased FINALE PRINT MUSIC. Its non-intuitive user interface, with overcrowded and too small icons in my opinion is simply no match for the surprisingly pleasant MUSESCORE user interface! that's it. The teaching videos are also excellent and also not equalled by expensive professional programs. ok, this calls for a donation, which will come this year - for sure. A lot of thanks to Wernel et al. for a real great job.


By deleting your APPDATA directory, you resetted MuseScore and all other software packages that save their configuration in there.

I think the two tabs issue you got could have been solved by unchecking Display -> Documents Side by Side.

Hmm, Googling this enlightened me about the use of VirtualStore. I didn't even know my Win7 system was using it for a few non-standard apps I use regularly. However, I agree with Lasconic that your problem was not due to VirtualStore (as MuseScore is compliant with Vista/Win7 design), but likely either the "Documents side-by-side" or the "Documents stacked" option was enabled under the Display menu.

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