Suggestion for tablet/touch-oriented UI

• Dec 9, 2016 - 15:42

Dear MuseScore developers,

I'm currently fascinated with MuseScore, and quite sad that I cannot use it properly on my Asus Transformer with Windows 10, in tablet mode. After searching the internet I found much hype regarding StaffPad, which looks cool, but I also found this gem: OneTouch Composer (

Ignoring MuseScore internals, I think this could be a viable way forward if you ever feel like going for a touch-friendly UI.

Finally, as a developer I'm willing to help/lead an effort of this kind, but I'd need plenty of help at the beginning :-)




I don't have a touch device running windows for now, but I believe the palette are touch friendly and we have a keyboard to enter notes if you press P. That being said, it could be a lot better indeed. If you used MuseScore without a touch screen before, I wonder how you see a touch UI for MuseScore and how you would blend it with the current UI? Would you expect MuseScore to have completely different UI for touch devices? or a interface that work for both?

I'm happy to help you getting started with the MuseScore code base. You can reach out here on the tech preview forum, on the developer mailing list, or on IRC #musescore on
You can find instructions to build MuseScore on Windows here:… They are for Mingw and not for MSVC. Help to build MuseScore with the microsoft toolchain is welcome :)

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

Palette is indeed touch-friendly - double-tap works like double-click, drag & drop works as with a mouse or touchpad. In the limited playing around I've done, the piano keyboard window is indeed the most touch-friendly way of entering notes, particular once you zoom in to make the keys bigger.

Curiously, the palette actually acts as. if it has "state" when using a touch device. That is, touch an icon once and it highlights, just like it does when you are hovering your mouse. I guess internally that's what really is happening. Somehow this makes me think about prior discussions about the non-statefulness of the palette and how that relates to keyboard control, which is still the thing I am most anxious to try to sort out for MuseScore 3 if I can.

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