note size and centering do not follow line spacing changes

• Dec 22, 2016 - 16:14

When I left click on a staff, choose "Staff Properties", select "Line
Distance", change the distance to anything other than 1.00, and then click
apply; the line spacing increases but the note positions do not change on the
staff. This results is the notes not being centered between the lines or on
the lines as the case may be. I also think the size of the note should
change proportionately to the line spacing.

Thank you for your help with this issue.


Indeed, line spacing changes are not fully supported - which is to say, it works only for some particular special effects. If your goal is to make the music larger, don't change line spacing, change the size of the staff, as mentioned above. Line spacing changes are intended for something completely different, and in particular, the size of the note is *not* supposed to change with line spacing - only with staff size.

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