Black Window

• Dec 22, 2016 - 21:23

I'm French, so, my English....... When I try to move a window like Mixer or Inspector, I click on the blue ligne and when I move , only a black "box" move , and when I let this box, the window arrives at the place I choose. MS 2.0.3 Windows 8.1 .See the vidéo:


Have you tried that in other programs? It looks like something windows has an option of doing and if I remember correctly will do if there is insufficient memory to drag the window and keep it displayed. Try it with another program while MuseScore is also open.

In reply to by mike320

Thanks for answer, I think you're right, I have not noticed but I have the same problem with others "programs" even is MS is closed. I think the reason is in Windows, A few days ago, I make a "cleaning" with severals of "anti-virus" , I do that regulary, and , it's after that this black window appears. I need to look for in my computer, or do a "restauration

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