Music sheet without music

• Feb 28, 2012 - 18:42

I prepared two sheets with empty staffs for specific instruments... I mean, wihout music (I am interested to print only the music without other symbols in the score that the staff and the name of the instruments, so that I could write music by hand on these sheets); is it impossible to do it?
I tried to do it converting the file as pdf (from printing function) or printing it directly from my printer but it does not work.
I include the musescore file I was preparing.
Thanks in advance.


I think you forgot to press the attach button. It's not enoigh to just select the file.

I can't tell exactly what you are trying to include and not include, but it shouldn't be difficult. You can get a completely blank page,a page with the staves but no clefs or anything else, a page with staves and clefs but not time or key signatures, a page with staves, clefs, and time/key signatures but no barlines, a page with staves, clefs, time/key signatures and barlines but no notes, etc. if you tell us exactly what you want and don't want, we can show you how to get it.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thank you so much for your answer!
I don't know why the file was not uploaded... Here there is again.
Also, I saw the video... I think it is exactly what I did. The problem is not to create the paper but at the moment to print or try to convert it as pdf...
I don't need a completely blank page -as it is-, I need a sheet with four staffs:
1. Bass recorder
2. Bass clarinet
3. Violin.
4. Violoncello.
I try to unpload again the file.
Thanks a lot!

Attachment Size
Hoja1.mscz 2.29 KB

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

Ah, I know now why this happened! I needed to save the pdf from the menu file (from save as...) and not using the shortcut in my mac! Now I have a correct file and a new paper!
I will upload the new file.
Thank you so much for your video, it is really useful for beginnners -like me-.

Attachment Size
Hoja1b.mscz 2.07 KB
hoja1b.pdf 7.18 KB

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