Quick pedal option

• Dec 23, 2016 - 17:09

I have been using MuseScore for years now and absolutely love it, however there is one thing that I always dread having to do to the point that it's actually started to affect the music I write, and that is the fact that every single pedal marking must be added individually. (At least, as far as I am aware - if the feature I'm about to request already does exist, please just let me know how to use it.)

What I would like to see is some way to quickly add pedal markings to multiple measures at once, whether by selecting multiple measures then adding a pedal marking which then applies one to each selected measure, adding a single pedal marking normally, stretching it out to apply to all the desired measures then "splitting" it into separate markings for each measure (perhaps through a right-click menu), or even just a "apply pedal markings to all measures" would be tolerable, since I'd consoder deleting extraneous markings to be easier and less annoying than having to add a ton.


My understanding is that they are going to make all of the items on the pallet available for a shortcut in a future release. You could then use a short cut in insert measure long pedal marks by typing the first note of the measure then the shortcut you assign to it. But that doesn't help you today.

I am working under the slight assumption that you are entering the notes not importing the score from some existing source. If this is the case, the best way in my opinion to speed up this process is to enter the first note of the measure then double clicking the pedal mark, It will default to the entire measure if you only have the first note selected. Actually it defaults to the rest of the measure no matter which single note is selected.

In reply to by mike320

Yeah, that's what it defaults to - as far as I know - regardless of how you insert it.

A shortcut would speed things up a little, but given how common it is for songs that use pedals to use measure-length pedals throughout the whole thing, surely it could at least be added as an option alongside choosing the key or something when creating a new song.

In reply to by ladubois

Perhaps some paste append feature would be something to consider. What I mean by that is you tell the program to append the clipboard to the end of the existing score. You could then set up a single measure score with the defaults you want on each measure, copy it, paste append it as many times as you like. Just a thought.

i'm very new to this program, and this is embarrassing but i don't even know how to place pedal marks, any help would be welcome, thanks.

In reply to by cliff944

To add a pedal mark or any other line click the first note, shift click the last note to apply the line to. On the left side of the screen is a list of palettes. If it's not there press F9 to see it. Find the lines palette. If a palette is not expanded it will like like

> lines

click it and you will see the available lines. If the line (pedal mark) you want is not there, at the bottom of the palettes is a drop down that probably says basic, click that and then advanced. The lines palette now has more options.

You have you section selected still, now double click the line and it will show up where you have selected. If you made it too short or long, shift plus an arrow will adjust it. ctrl plus an arrow only makes it look different.

If you select a single note, the pedal the line will automatically extend to the end of the measure. So if you want a full measure pedal: click the first note, double click the pedal.

I also used to get annoyed when having to add pedal markings through the whole song, then I found a quick way to do it.
A shortcut would be much better, but this can also speed things up a little:

Let's say your song has 75 measures:
1) Select the first measure, then you can insert 75 new measures in the beginning of the song (shortcut: Ctrl+Insert > 75 > Enter)
2) Enter pedal markings in the first empty new measures and just copy+paste these over the 75 new measures (you can copy several at a time, so it's quick)
3) Now cut the whole song (last 75 measures) and paste in the 1st measure. Voilá, they all have pedal markings now.
4) Select and delete the last 75 measures, that are now empty measures (shortcut: Ctrl+Delete)

Maybe now there's a much easier way to do it, but I couldn't find one.

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