Score won't play?

• Dec 24, 2016 - 22:58

So recently, whenever I click on a score on the website and try to play it on the website, it appears all grey and also looks squished. I've been trying to fix it for a while but nothing has worked so far. I've had no problem playing scores in the program, just the website.
Please tell me if anyone knows a solution!!!


Which internet browser you are using? For some users to empty the cache solves the problem.

Or try to use another (maybe there's a newer) version of your browser or instead of this another browser (chrome, firefox, opera...) to solve this problem.

Could you tell us which browser you are on and whether you have some special extensions/add-ons installed? Also, did this.problem arise recently, so did it used to work well, if so, when did it start to fail?

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