• Mar 3, 2012 - 23:48

seriously, i want to put in phineas and ferb theme to play cause it is EPIC but i can not. By the way if anyone has it then please reply. i want the FULL song cause i play trombone so i wanna make it playable.


It can't be done within the constraints of current hardware/software.

You can find programs which will convert an audio stream of a single monophonic insturment to MIDI, but that is as far as we have got.

Maybe one day - who knows.

When I was learning music part of my training was to write down music notation from a piece that was played to me.

That is the only way you're going to be able to get the dots unless someone has already created them.

The difficulty of doing what you ask is roughly akin to asking someone to write a program that would take a video and automatically turn it into a book.

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