Grouping/splitting note values

• Mar 10, 2012 - 13:41

Is there a way to group or split note values? (Rather than re-writing the measure)

That is, for example, let's say I've got 4 C chords in a row, all with quarter note values. Is there a way to quickly group those into one C chord with a whole note value? (Or, to split the whole note value into half or quarters?)

Sort of like the 'q' and 'w' feature...


Are they all the same exact voicing? If so, all you need to do is turn the first quarter into a whole note, right? Just click it and press 7. As for splitting a whole note, press 6 to turn it into a half, then Ctrl-C to copy, click the subsequent rest, Ctrl-V to paste.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

thanks - that works.

Yes, this is regarding specific notes (eg: C, E, G), not chord symbols.

I can select the whole chord - or any expression - by
- pressing esc. to exit note entry mode
- clicking any note in the chord
- shift-clicking any other note in the chord

is that the fastest way to select a chord?

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