Playback problems after Winows XP reinstall

• Mar 25, 2012 - 10:36

Yesterday I reinstalled Windows XP with SP3 on my Sony laptop and installed Musescore 1.2. Now playback of .mscz files from my backup on a memory stick is distorted and sluggish. The blue playback line breaks up and does not seem to be able to keep up with the notation and where the play backsound has reached. As the score becomes more complex, i.e. more than one stave, playback speed decreases and distortion increases. Something seems out of sync. Uninstalling Musescore 1.2 and reinstalling 1.0 or 1.1 does not solve the problem. Otherwise the .mscz files seem to load from the memory stick without any problem.

Previously, prior to reinstallation, Musescore 1.1 and its .mscz files ran very happily on this laptop with Windows XP and SP 3 without any such problems.

The same .mscz files, on the same memory stick, run perfectly on my desktop machine which runs Musescore in Ubuntu Version with MuseScore 1.0 and Windows XP with SP3 with Musescore Version 1.2 (dual boot).

I cannot detect any other problems with the laptop reinstall of Windows XP SP 3, but the logic of the problem seems to suggest this might be the source of the playback difficulties.

An help would be much appreciated.
PS Note entry now seems much slower. The note being entered sounds as soon as I hit the keyboard, but the note seems to take much longer to appear on the score, about a second. Playback is still distorted as above when I playback a newly notated piece. I think another reinstall of Windows XP might be called for - sigh!!


The first thing I would check is whether or not disk access has reverted to PIO

This was the cause of my problems with a 5 year old Sony Vaio running XP Pro SP3 a few weeks ago.

The problem and it's solution is outlined in this Microsoft article

If you need further help to ascertain if this is what's happened, don't hesitate to come back here.

I have checked the properties of the IDE channel as you suggested. The results are as follows:
Primary IDE Channel: Current Transfer Mode: Ultra DMA Mode 4
Secondary IDE Channel: Current Transfer Mode: Ultra DMA Mode 2
This all seems OK. No sign of PIO Mode.
Anything else you think I might try?
Many thanks for your help.

In reply to by Bill Fleming

Have you tried resetting MuseScore to Factory Defaults?

After that try checking graphics/audio driver versions - your reinstall of Windows could have installed a different version.

I'm afraid these issues can take some time to pinpoint :(

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