Is there a way to access demo scores via MuseScore?

• Mar 29, 2012 - 15:21

Instead of perhaps copying them from the MuseScore folder/contents to somewhere else, is there another way for people to load the demo scores?

They may not know about them otherwise.


If you are using the non native open dialog, there is a "demos" directory on the left side of this dialog I think.
Do you have another suggestion? we have more and more "demos" on and in maybe the demo scores are not useful anymore (except the first one, reunion).

I think MuseScore Connect is probably the tool to use to access online demos (built for it, really).

For offline demos, I'm hesitant to use plugins, but I don't know where else would be suitable. I'm thinking of a 'Demo' box with details of the score, and the option to load. The non-native open box is the best place, but I don't like the look of it (I use native).

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