Adeste Fildeles (small brass ensemble)

• Apr 13, 2012 - 13:07

Can be played with as few as six or so instruments or up to a dozen or more. Bass parts, in particular, can be Euphonium, Trombone, Bass Trombone, Tuba. Short, high cornet pieces are nice on the Eb Soprano or maybe on a piccolo trumpet (I'm assuming that any Sop or Pic players out there have the ability to transpose but have added a "High Cornets" part just in case).


In reply to by ChurchOrganist

Merely too busy/lazy/disorganised to post it in time for last Christmas. Topic in another thread reminded me of this piece. It was arranged for a kids' brass group of mixed ability and unpredictable attendance. *<|;-)

PS I have tried the files I attached and find that a comma has been added to the end of the filnames; I no not why this has occurred but simply renaming the file by removing the comma seems to work.

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