Thumbs up for an Autosave feature!

• May 8, 2012 - 10:40

Thought it could be a good idea including an Autosave feature.

An autosave feature is a prosses that automatically saves whatever you are doing, say every 5th minute.

For users of Musescore an autosave could be convenient because while dedicating full concentration to making music, simple things as repeatedly saving whatever you are doing is easily forgotten.

I say: Thumbs up for an Autosave feature in Musescore!


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

MuseScore is not really Autosaving the way you think it does. It will save the score somewhere on your hard drive but it will never override the file you are working on. Autosaving automatically on the file you are working on it's a really bad idea I think.

The Autosave file is stored independently from the "work file" and only accessed when the program starts up after an abnormal termination. Usually a box pops up stating the failure and asking if you wish to recover the last session or file and this accesses the autosaved file.

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