Brandenburg Concerto No.1 F Major BWV 1460

• Jan 16, 2017 - 17:22

Brandenburg Concerto No.1 F Major BWV 1460 transcribed from

"Concerto Imo. à 2 Corni di Caccia. 3 Hautb: è Bassono, Violino Piccolo concertato. 2 Violini, una Viola è Violoncello, col Basso Continuo."

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Looking at the Key Signature suggests that the Violino Piccolo in this case was tuned up from C to Eb. Am I right in assuming that you had to manually change the Key Signature of this stave to get it to look correct?

Make sure Concert Pitch is off. Drag an F Key Signature to the start of the piece. Right-click on a spot of empty space in the first measure of the Violino Piccolo and select Stave Properties then change Play Transposition to "Minor Third" and check the "Up" button. Now select all the notes in the Violino Piccolo stave and press the UpArrow three times. Now I'm afraid you need to go through the score and check the notes as some of them might be off (might not, though).

In reply to by underquark

You can also select the whole line after changing the key and in the notes menu (at the top) select transpose. In the dialog make sure

Transpose Chromatically is checked
By interval is checked
up has a dot next to it
on the drop down change Perfect Unison to Minor Third


This should keep all the accidentals.

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