How to change Quantization

• Jan 17, 2017 - 16:44


I'm new to musescore. I have downloaded this notes and want to requantize them, and activate the swing-recognition:

How is it possible to take the "MusicXML"-file and relaunch the quantization?

I tried to import the MIDI-file, but altough it's just voice & piano, musescore wants to create 27 seperate lines. (see screenshot attached)


First, keep in mind MuseScore is a notation program and not a sequencer. So it doesn't "quantize" anything, not exactly anyhow. It is capable of playing eighth notes with swing if you add the "Swing" notation from the Text palette to your score, but if won't change anything about the internal MIDI representation of your score. MuseScore can also *detect* swing on MIDI import and convert that into regular eighth notes that you can then play back either straight or swung, but this has to be done on import using the panel that appears, and it only works if the swing is exactly 2:1 or 3:1.

Not sure what's going on with the tracks. I tried downloading the original score and it has no invisible staves, but downloading the MIDI does indeed show lots of extra tracks, no idea why.

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