Optional bracketed notes

• Feb 3, 2017 - 10:34

I have two problems entering bracketed notes (see the attached file):

1. In measure 6, I need to enter an extra bracketed quaver after the first crochet for the three syllable word in verse 3. How do I do this, please?

2. In measures 10 and 14, I want to bracket the two notes above (Ku-ku) together, i.e. (quaver crochet). The 'Add brackets to element' command on the Accidentals palette brackets each note individually.

Thanks to forum members who have helped me before.

Attachment Size
Und Jetz Gang I Aus Peters Brunnele.mscz 27.37 KB


Thanks very much, Mike320. I would never have thought of adding Voice 2, and didn't know that you could delete only one bracket.

Job done. Thanks again.

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