A couple notes don't play during playback

• Feb 3, 2017 - 19:45

I have a big band piece I arranged and the 1st trombone's part doesn't playback for 6 measures. if I mute all but that part or just the trombone section it will play back. any suggestions on how to get that part to play with the whole band?


In order do more than guess, we'd need you to attach the score (see "File attachments", right below where you type your post) and tell us where you are hearing the problem.

Some guesses meanwhile: maybe you accidentally turned off playback for these notes in the Inspector, or set the dynamic / velocity to zero or too quiet to hear, or maybe the notes are out of the usual range for the instrument so there are no samples provided by the soundfont. But any of these would also cause the part to not be heard when soloing. So it could just be an illusion - the part is playing but something about the voicings, overtones, and so forth is causing it to be hard to hear.

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