How To Get Wider Spacing In Grand Staff?

• Feb 4, 2017 - 09:46

I need to go from a single-line lyric format using my Score-wide Grand Staff spacing between the treble and bass clefs to a 4-line lyric format with wider spacing between the staves to accommodate the extra lyric lines, but I have been foiled at every turn. I have tried clicking on the Spacing icon in the Advanced Workspace palette, dragging it to the desired measure in the desired staff, then double-clicking the arrow. I have also tried double-clicking on the icon first, then dragging it to the measure/staff. I have clicked and double-clicked on the handle and have moved the handle up and down. I have tried this both with and without holding down the CTRL key, ditto for the Shift key. I have tried pressing the Enter key. I can see the Up/Down arrows created in the Score and the handles. However, I cannot increase the distance between the treble and bass staves. I have tried selecting the measure/staff and then clicking on Add->Frames->Insert Vertical Frame, but that just created a blue frame outside of the System and does not affect the treble/bass distance. (I saw underquark's Comment on April 18, 2012, responding to a post by spolaw and a Comment thereon by xavierjazz on the same date, but I can't find the "Create->Bars->Insert Vertical Frame"recipe mentioned there as a cure for this problem. Can someone please help?


click on the first measure of the bass clef;
Hold down Shift and drag with the mouse


The lyrics, using the key creates space automatically


Try adjusting Lyrics Top Margin +/- Lyrics Bottom margin
Then Style ->General ->Page ->Great Stave Distance if the above doesn't help

As mentioned, spacing *automatically* increases as you add lyrics, so you shouldn't normally need to do anything. If you have a score where this appears to not be happening, please attach it so we can see what you are seeing.

Beyond that, spacers do work as well. Sounds like you are adding the spacer and dragging it, but presumably you simply aren't dragging far enough. Keep dragging until the spacer reaches the staff below, and *then* it will start moving.

Or, if you want spacing increased in general for these staves across all systems, use Style / General / Page / Grand staff distance.

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