Fedora 24, Musescore and a HD TV

• Feb 6, 2017 - 13:04

If I start Musescore and view on my HD TV (1080p) it has massive icons that take up the whole screen. Using "mscore -x 1" on the command line fixes it to an extent, but the sheet won't zoom out very well - "View 5% Zoom" is still quite large. I can click "View Two Pages", but when I want to zoom in and out regularly, this is quite tedious.

I also get a "Segmentation fault (core dumped)" when I quit, which is quite strange!

Does anyone know a fix for this?

Kind regards,

Conor Dowdall.


Currently the "-x" option is the best workaround we know - we still don't have a full understanding of how this happens in the first place. Apparently between the hardware itself, the device drivers, the operating system, and Qt, MuseScore is getting incorrect information on the actual DPI for your screen. A future version of MuseScore will provide a better command line override than "-x", which was really meant to solve a slightly different but related problem, so it doesn't always do exactly the right thing here. You can follow the status of the new option here:


It is merged for MuseScore 3 but so far not for 2.1. I'd still like to see that happen - assuming we can't figure out the underlying cause of the issue and fix it. But I'm thinking there will always be cases where can - it's entirely possible there are devices that simply do not report their physical size in any way, making true DPI calculation impossible.

The crash on exit is a known issue with some Linux installations - see for example #99606: sporadic CRASH on exit in QNetworkConfigurationManagerPrivate::pollEngines() on unixes (corrupt stack?). Not sure we fully understand that either, although so far it seems we have been inclined to blame Qt.

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