Central plugin repository in e.g. GitHub?

• Jun 4, 2012 - 16:29

Wouldn't it be usefull to have a central repository for plugins on GitHub? Nw that we have https://github.com/musescore, maybe we could also have http://github.com/musecore-plugins.
If the core MuseScore developres (the ones having write access to https://github.com/musescore, Wernen, Thomas and Lasconic (maybe more?) have full access and the plugin authors too, or maybe the pugin authors just getting added as collaborator to 'their' plugins, we would prevent plugins from becomming orphaned, like when the author loses interest, moves on somewhere else or is not reachable any longer for any other reason.


It's a very good idea. Already discussed publicly and privately on the forum and the mailing list. The main obstacle right now is that the plugin interface is very limited. We plan to make a complete overhaul of the plugin interface for a future version, maybe 2.0 and I would love to see something like this when this is in place. For the moment, the number of plugins is too small to do this and I don't have interest in supporting plugins that will be obsolete in next version.

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

I wouldn't call 40 a small number and 2.0 is still quite a long way ahead, isn't it?
It won't be you supporting these plugins, this would still be down to the author.
Except in those case where the author is not within reach anymore, but even then it may be more an admin task to find someone else taking on the task and adding that person to the list of collaborators?

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