Tab features and version 2.0

• Jun 15, 2012 - 04:26

Have recently started using Musescore to make lead sheets for one of my bands, and I'm loving it so far! I also tried making a transcription of a solo guitar piece I play, and it occurred to me that having tabulature underneath the staff coud be a helpful thing. However, the instructions on adding a tab staff seem to refer to interface elements that aren't there.

It looks like this is a reference to the upcoming version 2.0. Is there any way of adding tab staves in the current version? (Changing a regular staff into a tab staff looks a little odd, and I can't figure out how to add the "note" numbers to it.)

Is there any forecast for when version 2.0 will be available?


This is indeed a feature in the upcoming 2.0. It is AFAIK planned to get released later this year, possible early next year. Meanwhile yoi can get a preview, a 'nightly build' from the download page..

It is possible to create a TAB stave in 1.2, but you have to create the fret numbers as text objects, which is an extremely fiddly process, and, of course, won't play back.

I have been using the nightlies for TAB generation for about 3 months now. They're pretty stable, but you need to follow the usual caveats about using them - extra vigilance in backing up, making sure you keep a copy of the last version you used to creat ascore in case the next will not open it, etc.

You can also find a feature has been removed in a new version eg the plugin framework is currently disabled.


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