Timing ticks for soloist

• Jun 15, 2012 - 20:06

Hi. I'm a new user. I use Musescore to create a piano backing part over which I can play my flute. Often, the solo part begins at the same time or earlier than the backing and if this was on a backing CD, the music would begin with quiet timing "ticks" so the soloist can time his entry before the backing starts.
I can't find out how to begin the score with such ticks. Is it possible? Apologies if this has already been asked, I have searched but found nothing.


Add a measure at the beginning of the score, fill it with 1/4 notes and set their velocity to 1 (0 doesn't work, but 1 is silent enough). You can additionally change the notes to slashes, for cosmetical reasons ;-)

You could take a slightly modified version of Marc Sabatella's slash notation plugin for this (change line 56, which sets velocity, so it sets to 1 rather than 0)

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Hi Jojo. Thanks for that, I have tried it and it works, but one more problem is that if the music has first and second time bars, the repeat also includes and plays this new first bar at the head of the score. This is obviously unwanted. I was wondering if the software had a specific feature to allow timing clicks or ticks to lead a soloist in.

In reply to by Flute-amateur

If it is just a matter of going back to the bar after the timing clicks just structure the score with a beginning repeat at the first bar of the actual music. The repeat should go back to this bar.

Obviously I don't know exactly how you have it setup but there are ways around not playing the click bars on a repeat.

In reply to by Flute-amateur

There is no special feature available for this. Version 2.0 will have a metronome, but that too won't give 'lead in' ticks without an extra (and there possibly empty) bar. To exclude ii from repeats, just don't rely on an implicit "begin repeat" at 1st bar, add an explicit one (||:) at the (now) 2nd bar instead.

For 4/4 time, I'd place four quarter-notes (crotchets).
Click on each in turn and press '1' on your keyboard to make them all very short.
Then make the notes and rests invisible.

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