
• May 12, 2009 - 18:07

Please see attached file.

There are spurios notes in bar 36 and 37, trombone part.

Everytime I tryt o alter them, the program crashes.


Attachment Size
Flamenka score.mscz 8.31 KB


I don't see any spurious notes in m. 36-7 of the score you attached.

I no longer have the latest prerelease install but I tested using a self-built r.1829.

In reply to by xavierjazz

I am now able to get MuseScore to act strangely (and eventually freeze) by editing the whole note. The thing that looks "similar to a drum clef, but filled in" is actually a longa rest (four times longer than a whole rest). It doesn't seem to happen with other whole notes I add to the score. Any ideas why this whole note would be different?

In reply to by David Bolton

There are a number of odd things.

This seemed to happen as I was editing a bar around bar 18 or so.
It may be related to the way the screen works..


I am entering a string of, let's say, 1/8 nnotes. I can see all the notes being added until I get to the end of the visiable staves. The notes seem to continue to be placed but the screen doesn't move to show the visual representation until I advance the cursor using the arrow keys. Then the screen snaps to the relevant bar.

So to continue, I was editing around bar 16 or so. I was within a bar. I placed a note and it palced properly, I then placed another note in the next rest/space. The note didn't appear but sounded. This happened a number of times.. I tried to ctrl z my way back to the beginning of the session, but I must have missed that note placed. I beleve it was that whole note.

So, I believe that there is a problem witj the screen tracking note placement, and sometime when a note is entered beyond the visable screen, it is placed in a strangely related by improper place, and there is some glitch produced. This has happened a few times, but i can't be much more prercise..

I hope this isn't too muddled.


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