Reunion Piece Dynamics

• Jul 18, 2012 - 06:29

Hello, everyone, first time poster here. Just wanted everyone to know how much love I feel for MuseScore in general. Hope I posted this in the right place.

Anyway, I've been reading around before making my own post, and I basically found out that MuseScore (at least up to 1.2) doesn't support "dynamic" dynamics, like ritardando and accelerando. Keeping that in mind, the demo piece that comes with the software, Reunion, has those texts and even sounds like it's slowing down and speeding up in the right parts in the MIDI file.

Simply put, how did the Reunion piece implement rits. and accels.? Some people mention making incremental changes within rit./accel. sequence to get a similar results, and just setting the middle texts to invisible, but apparently Reunion doesn't do that. Is it the fact that the rit./accel. segments are so short (just a bar long usually) that it gives the impression that it's slowing down/speeding up, whereas the reality is that it's just a static jump in tempo?


Yes, it's just the fact that the passages are short that gives the illusion there is a gradual change when really it is sudden. I suppose I could also have played with the note properties to make some notes sound a bit early or late, but it didn't seem necessary.

There has been some talk of adding a facility to 2.0 that would allow gradual tempo changes. Whether or not it makes it into 2.0 or not, I look forward to seeing it some day.

Btw, 2.0 does playback crescendos and diminuendos, at least to some extent. You may have noticed that Reunion also plays these in 1.2. I used the Crescendo plugin (which you can download via the Plugins menu at right) for that.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

My word; I never knew about the plugins section before this. Thank you very much for bringing that to my attention. Also, I don't think I mentioned cres./dim. in the post, but it was definitely a persistent thought too, so double thanks for reading my mind.

Regarding the rit./accel. dynamics, I guess I had a hunch that that was the case. I was actually really excited to see those tempo texts in the piece when 1.2 came out, but I suppose the workarounds and clever aural illusions available now suffice.

Still, I completely share your sentiments for anticipating this as a future feature. Someone else posted on how it would work (works like lines, shows like text), which will hopefully be how it'll be implemented.

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