Guitar TAB as letters not heard properly in playback and don't know how to get sharps and flats

• Feb 18, 2017 - 00:44

I've been using Guitar TAB to teach a student the notes on the fretboard, and now I'm trying to move from showing the numbers on the strings to showing notes (so he will have to learn the notes on the strings themselves). I get this feature by going to "Staff properties – Advanced Style properties – Marks are: letters."
I can enter the letters in, but the playback plays them all wrong. And the bigger issue is that I can't enter sharps or flats!!

Could you guys please help? Thank you :)


You are going about it wrong. The letters are an alternate method of naming the frets, not identification of notes. To show the relationship between frets and note names, you need to add a linked staff and either manually add the note names yourself or use a plugin like
Linked staff by pressing the I key and adding a linked staff to your TAB staff. Select the TAB staff and press the button in the middle near the bottom and OK. Press the arrow to move it up or down this list if desired.

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