
• Jul 26, 2012 - 18:30

Is there a way to tweak playback settings?I'm just wondering for say....making sure a slur or tenuto sounds like the legato run on it's supposed to.Right now on playback each note is sounding individually even though marked.


There are lots of things can be "tweaked" about playback (right click a note to see its properties; also see Handbook under Soundfont and several other playback-related sections).

But as far as I know, slurs do not playback as such no matter what you do, currently. I am very hopeful that some future release will implement this, perhaps via the MIDI legato controller, or by actually switching samples as is done for arco/pizz strings, open/muted/ trumpet. etc.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

This is the sort of thing that should be controlled by velocity in brass, woodwind and string soundfonts.

The attack is different on a slurred note, as it is not tongued or bowed.

Given that the current synth engine is only capable of changing dynamics by means of the velocity parameter, means that this would be impossible under the architecture of both MuseScore 1.x and 2.x.

If we can persuade the dev team to implement the Expression controller in the next major release after that, then perhaps we may be able to do something with the new chord articulation editor due to appear in version 2.

PLayback, however, is currently taking a back seat in favour of getting notation issues fixed, and quite rightly IMO.

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