Acciaccatura playing order

• Jul 31, 2012 - 22:35

Hello, I'm trying to write Grieg's piano concerto into musescore, and have some problems with acciaccatura. Namely, in the file I attach first 6 notes are played quite strangely: grace notes sound after the ones following them. And after a pause the same sequence (just shifted) sounds as intended. Is it a bug or I don't understand how acciaccatura works?

Attachment Size
exp4.mscz 2.3 KB


I checked it out, and I think it's a bug. Everything looks correct in your score; it just isn't playing as I would think it should. I tried loading the score into a build of 2.0 and it works there, so apparently the bug is already fixed and will be in the next release, whenever that turns out to be.

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